Welcome toHope Score
Hope Score is the website associated with the powerful book, Hope Rising: How the Science of HOPE Can Change Your Life. This website will help you track Hope in your life and the lives of those you love. If you have not read Hope Rising, order a copy here either in hardcopy or in Kindle and then create an account on this website. This site is designed to be a tool to help you apply the science of hope to your life!

The science of hope must become the passion of our lives. Hope is a verb.
Hope Rising is a clarion call to apply the science of hope in daily life and overcome the trauma, adversity, and struggles everyone must face. Hope is the most predictive indicator of well-being in a person’s life in all the research done on trauma, illness, and resiliency. Based on nearly 2,000 published studies about hope, including their own research, Casey Gwinn and Chan Hellman call for rising hope to be the focus not only in personal lives, but in public policy in education, business, social services, and every other part of society. Hope is measurable. Hope is malleable. Hope changes lives. Hope Rising provides a roadmap to measure hope in your life, assess what may have robbed you of the power of hope, and then provides strategies to increase hope. It challenges every reader to be transparent and honest about their own stories of struggle and adversity, calls for the end of shame and blame in addressing the struggles of those who have experienced trauma, illness, or abuse, and provides practical ways to increase your Hope score and thrive because of it.
The Authors
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Hope is the belief that your future can be brighter than your past and you play a role in making it happen. Find out your level of hope now in your life. If you are a lower hope person, don’t be discouraged. Hope is a verb and you can increase your Hope Score by the choices you make and the actions you take in your life. If you are higher in Hope, you need to begin to think about how to maintain high hope through the challenges and adversity of life. Who do you want to be? What do you want to do in your life?
Adult Hope Scale
Hope Score is a great opportunity to evaluate the difficult things you have experienced in your life and then find your way to higher, sustainable hope! You can measure your Hope Score once for free.