Hope Rising:How the Science of HOPE Can Change Your Life
This is the first book ever written to provide an understanding of the relationship between trauma, adversity, and illness and HOPE. Many believe hope is simply an emotion, but after nearly 2,000 published studies on hope it is clear that HOPE is a science and it can change your life.
Inside of Hope Rising, the reader will be able to identify what robs us of hope in our lives and the clear pathways to see hope restored to our lives.
Inside Hope Rising, Casey Gwinn and Chan Hellman:
Teach the science of Hope and our ability measure our Hope Score
Synopsize over 2,000 studies demonstrating how hope is the best predictor of success in life
Encourage everyone to be transparent and honest about their own adversity
Call for the end to shame and blame when addressing the struggles of those who have experienced trauma, illness, or adversity
Provide practical ways to increase our Hope Score and thrive because of it
Challenge every school, employer, and non-profit organization to measure and cultivate hope
We Are All Born with Hope!
Even if painful things happened to you in childhood or adulthood, there is a pathway forward to higher hope in your life!